Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Chapter 3 : Children Who Whisper

There all four major recognizable threads :

1) The necessity for the director to be in tune with and to respect the protagonist's surplus reality-hte experiential world emerging in the play.

2) The important of "body language literacy" for the therapist.

3) The need for the therapist to reflect deeply on known historical facts in the child's life. They hold the key to recognizing the swift-flashing metaphors in the play.

4) The central importance of surprise-its role in the whole psychodrama method, as doubling, concretizing, maximizing, etc are brought into the action at significant moments.

task 1 for tutorial

Profile of my fantasy character

Name of Character
My name is Skysaver

Nick Name
Green Energy Man is what others have come to call me because of the ability to conserve and re-use energy produce from the the Sun and Earth and Neutralise environmental pollution. He is the one who could save the environment and prolong the life of the Earth

He is as old as the Universe exist. However, his age has re-defined by the scienctists as the age of the Earth, when he was assigned to govern the environment of the world.


6.5 feet

65 kilos is fit

My History
We originate from the positive end of the HenZyen in the Universe. This one of the Black Hole that suck in all energies (good or bad) and filtrize the good energy at the other end where our being live. When one has converse enough good energy, it will become a guardian Star assign to a liviing planet for their mission. I am the best among my generation since the old ones have returned to the source. We will appear in a well accepted Super Hero form of that planet when ready to perform our mission. We are here to save every living planets.

Abode (Where do you live)
Live in the castle on a hill, where sky with colourful positive energy is flowing. But oeverseeing the erosion of land and river without Green. This scenary is always reminding him to work without fail to protect and revitalise the damaged environment

Rythem of Positive Energy and Happiness. Playing with his Lion

Mess & Dirty

My relationships to others
I have a very close tie with my pet, the Lion. He is my only family on Earth. I understand the world thro his eye. Generally I have no direct interaction with the human being except my existance can only be appear to enviromentalist with the same mission with me. The nature and wild being will have better wave length to call for my help as they are one who suffering.

I have the ability to conserve and re-use energy produce from the the Sun and Earth for power to run the world and Neutralise environmental pollution.

Because of my ability to save and neutralise things, I am not tough enough punish and distroy the bad guys who damaged the natural environment.

How can my character be extinguished or killed off?
When the envronment pollution reduce, heat of the global warming going down, more renewable energy generated my gifted power will extinguished as the world is able to be preserve by its own being. Finally will transform into a guardian STAR above the sky called "Skysaver" overseeing the Earth and will be back if the Earth is ill again.

This is me and this where I live.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fantasy Name Generator

Here is the link :

One of the perks of creating fantasy stories -- whether by writing a story or game or by role-playing -- is you get to make up the names. Some people relish the task while others are frustrated by it. Some like it but can't seem to create names that are diverse enough. Fantasy Name Generator is a tool that can help you. It can generate an endless number of random names (of people, places, or anything) that would be suitable for use in a fantasy setting. It can generate names on its own, or you can tell it what kind of name you're looking for. Feel free to use this tool and any name that comes out of it (assuming it doesn't accidentally generate a legally protected trademark or something).

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hi everyone

Hi! Welcome Back!