Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Closure

It is like our life journey where there is a start and come to the end and the other journey is star again.

In the Chatango, I can feel that I'm a follower instead of leader. When ALS member ask me to lead in the dark where I have the light. I felt that I'm lost, dare not to lead. I don't know where it is good?
During my school time, I try my best to be a leader. I went thru army leadership training, represent Kedah State for competition, activites....etc, to be chairperson in uniform unit and also society. During working time, I have subordinates to help me to prepare the data and report. At home, I'm like a tigress (last time and not now). :)

Anyway this is a process where I know who I want to be......

1 comment:

  1. Go where you heart takes you!
    Take care, enjoy working with you.
